Remember we told you about how Selly Galley now gives her musician husband, Praye Tiatia chop money as per rumours in town.
Well, others suggested that the actress was now the man of the house since she now pays the bills and has the biggest say in their home.
A latest video we chanced on actually proves the point that Praye Tiatia, whose musical career has taken a nosedive has been turned into a cleaner by his wife.
Praye Tiatia of all people was seen sweeping their compound while his wife got hooked onto her red wine.
Though the video did not show the wife, Selly Galley carrying out her past time but she shared the video herself on social media with saying she was enjoying her red wine while the husband did the chores.
Now we all know how things are done in a purely African setting, and Praye Tiatia as we know would not do this if not for the situation he now finds himself in.
WATCH the video: