With five days away from the festive season, the cry of 2019-2020 NSS Personel over the delay in payment of allowances has finally reached the ears of the Government.
GH One Tv personality, Nana Aba Anamoah has advised National Service personnel to calm down and desist from insulting the management of NSS.
In her voice, she had a conversation with Gifty Oware, the Deputy Executive Director of the National Service Scheme in Ghana, who assured that payment will be made from today.
According to Gifty Oware, latest by Monday all National Service personnel will be settled.
Nana Aba tweeted; “I just had a conversation with Gifty Oware about the delayed NSS allowances.
She’s assured me that the “NSS will start paying today. So latest Monday, you’ll all receive your allowances”.
Insulting the management & staff of NSS will not solve the problem. Let’s calm down. “

We hope and pray that the allowances are paid so they can have a good feel of the Christmas season.
With that said, Merry Christmas from Gossips24.com to you!
Why wont us inslut them, when we are in December and yet November allowance has not been paid.
I guess you wont be happy when you are in our shoes.
Other government workers are receiving huge sum of money every month and just a mere Ghc559.04 we have to beg for it.
God help our homeland Ghanan
Hmmm. This is Ghana for you, they use our money to buy treasury bills and when they get their profits, is then that they think about us.
We are expecting them to pay both November and December. If you could do this to your biological sons and daughters jah is watching you
Hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha, are you daydreaming? You expect that to happen in Ghana? Hmmm
Hmmm, I just can’t fanthom, some of us do really rely on
559.04, when it delays small Naa, we are left with no choice than to give a format to stay at home until God make a way
pls some of us have not receive any amount since from September to December.
This is not fair at all
how can someone submit September n October evaluation forms then you don’t pay September but pays October later claiming the September from got missing just imagine this
I jst hope we get paid for both November and December.
What about the 2018_2019 batch who have not yet received their unpaid August allowance? Didn’t we deserve it? We have worked very hard for it. So stop telling us to calm down for we have waited from September till now. You better do something before it’s too late because 2020 is just by the Conner.
What they are doing is not good at all. Some of us are rendering the service in overseas but look at the way we are suffering.
Hmmm. This is Ghana for you, they use our money to buy treasury bills and when they get their profits, is then that they think about us.
We leave in a country where the plight of the citizens who suffers most for the state of the nation are taken for granted by their leaders. All they care is about themselves and their families. Today is 23rd and service personel haven’t received their allowance due to the supper incompetence of our so called leaders. Who watches the watchman
As we employ people to work for us. We should always keep in mind what the Bible said. ” Don’t let the sun set on your workers salaries”.
Sometimes we choose to do the little work that pays little or none at all not because there isn’t any work for us to do but the love we have for the individuals that make the work possible is greater in heart.
When dealing with people, let all try to leave or go in peace without any negative name. This world is a merry go round. Nothing is permanent. Today, I will wheel you for you to enjoy, tomorrow, it will be your turn to wheel me.
Treat individuals fairly, whether white or black, short or tall, pretty or ugly, young or old etc. Never presume money to answer all calls. The wings of money is stronger than thousands of eagle wings combined. It swift will marvel you when is due.
One’s good side and bad side should be cherished.
So please when at all r day paying us for us to move our destinations
You people should put yourselves in our shoes to know how it feels if u work and you are not paid on time
We will continue to insult them without our allawa
So today too,they didn’t pay our money!
We will insult today, tomorrow and any day until you pay us. Stupid people do you think we are fools for you to be joking with our emotions. You posted people to places where they have to cater for themselves whiles serving the nation. Now pay us our little consideration too you don’t want to pay us. How do you expect us to do the service without you paying us. Foolish and senseless people.
#Pay ud our money now
This is the Monday you’re talking about, and its already 4pm. Nothing has reflected in our accounts. Definitely tomorrow will be a half working day for all companies banks included, and most will resume after 26th. Now tell us how you expect people living away from home (Alone) who hasn’t been paid for two months straight to get back to their families or survive wherever they are. Lets be guided as a nation, people’s lives depend on these allowances and are grieving seriously. God is watching all of us.
They should stop that nonsense and pay our money, how do they take us for.
Pls mum try to do something to solve the problem because people are really suffering due to the delay in payment