One of the sturdiest and most consistent advocates of marijuana legalization in Ghana is the radio presenter and musician Blakk Rasta. Long before it became fashionable to advocate for legalizing marijuana Blakk Rasta was beating that trumpet incessantly.
In the intervening years, his position has become more and more popular as many other celebrities have come out in support of legalizing good old ‘weed’, including none other than the late former UN Secretary General, Kofi Annan.
It’s harder to find someone more respected than Kofi Annan to endorse a position and thus at this moment, Blakk Rasta can continue his crusade feeling much more confident.
In a recent video uploaded by the ‘Barack Obama’ hitmaker, he eloquently and calmly explains why he believes Ghana should legalize weed. According to him, we could make so much from it as a revenue source yet we’re dragging our feet.
Blakk Rasta slammed Africans for always being late to something good, referring to how many countries the world over have legalized the drug and are benefiting from it.
“Africans we like to eat from the crumbs of the table, we don’t like to eat the main food,” he said. “When people have eaten and left then we go for the crumbs.”