In a video that is circulating online, actress and slayqueen, Moesha Boudong has passed a cheeky comment that she is spreading the HIV virus.
The week has been filled with reports on one Mr. Livingstone Abani being HIV positive. It didn’t end there as it was also stated that the CEO of MadHaus, Mr. Livingstone was spreading the virus.
In the report, Moesha was mentioned to have taken hundred thousand cedis from the man and slept with him the first day she met him.
These allegations, yet to be confirmed, has forced Moesha to go for a test.
In a video that was sighted by, Moesha is seen going for a test, as to whether she carries the deadly virus or not.
After being tested negative, Moesha is seen smiling once again. Also, the slayqueen jokingly stated in the video that she is spreading the HIV virus.