Renowned movie producer and entertainment critique, Ola Michael has aired that the Korle-gono ninja and dancehall king, Shatta Wale doesn’t think before talking.
According to Ola who was a pundit Peace FM’s ‘Entertainment Review Show’, Shatta Wale normally takes action before he realises the implications and regrets later.
Ola Michael further argued that Shatta Wale is of a ‘hypocrite’ because you can’t see exactly where he stands and most times his level of thinking is really questionable.
“If you are not careful and listen to the statements of Shatta Wale and you link it up with the current situation you might think he just makes utterances just for people to talk about it or was he being more like a split personality. You are unable to position his level of thinking
” It also tells you that this particular subject Shatta Wale. I think that most of the times he doesn’t really think before he speaks” captured.
He, therefore, advised Shatta Wale and other showbiz personalities to be very careful of the things they say when they are peeved because the action taken today may lead to regret or remorse in the near future.