Renowned Ghanaian actresses, Nana Ama McBrown and Bendicta Gafah have finally settled scores after rumors went viral that the later slept with McBrown’s husband in 2018.
In 2018, rumours were rife that Benedicta Gafah had a romantic relationship with the husband of Nana Ama McBrown and got pregnant for him.
Hosting Benedicta on her popular cooking show “Mcbrown’s Kitchen”, Mcbrown revealed that all those rumors which went viral were false. According to Mcbrown, no woman can take her husband from her.
She mentioned that nothing of the sort ever happened adding that Benedicta is her daughter and nothing of the sort had happened.
Benedicta on the other hand mentioned that she has never dated a married man and does not intend doing so anytime soon.