‘Unbreakable’ award-winning gospel musician, Joyce Blessing is not done with her woes yet as troubles upon trouble keep knocking on her door.
It’s no hidden secret that the marriage of the Gospel Musician and former Zylofon signee, Joyce Blessing and her husband Dave Joy has hit the rocks.
Joyce Blessing
This comes after the musician’s 4years juicy contract with Zylofon music came to an end. Her marital issues have even affected her musical career which has caused her to fall out from her husband’s label as well.
Blames have been apportioned to Julie Jay, Joyce Blessing’s publicist who is believed to be having an affair with the gospel singer’s husband, Dave Joy.
The latest revelation from Joyce Blessing is that her husband and her publicist have taken over her various social media pages including her youtube channel.
In an interview with GhKonkonsa Seth on Parrot 99.7 FM, the “Unbreakable” hit singer said she decided to create her own YouTube channel after her husband and her publicist – his side chick – have refused to grant her access to the channel and her pages.
Joyce Blessing added that she will put out an official communique if her conversation with her husband and her publicist does not yield a good result.
SOURCE: Gossips24.com