The father of the late Ebony Reigns, Nana Opoku Kwarteng aka Starboy Kwarteng has finally smoked the peace pipe with his daughter’s former label manager, Bullet.
The two have sorted out their differences after dirtying their selves on social media and radio stations.
The beef between Starboy Kwarteng and Bullet started after the unfortunate death of the talented dancehall diva, Ebony Reigns about a year ago.
Mr. Kwarteng, who has now shown some sense of maturity in an interview on Neat FM with Kwame Adjetia said Bullet is like a son to him so if he has realised his mistakes and has asked for his forgiveness he has forgiven him.
“The gentleman said he has sat down and deeply thought that indeed there were things that he did which were wrong . . . I was touched by his conduct. So, I have embraced his request in good faith. I have accepted that indeed he sought my forgiveness. Frankly,if I can forgive Nana Hemaa, Bullet is also my son; so I can forgive him as well.” He said.