The Free Senior High School program in Ghana has come under fire for being a huge financial burden on the nation, but the International Monetary Fund has no intention of forcing the government to change it.
“Free SHS is a revolutionary policy, it is vital to state, therefore why cancel it?” Dr. Albert Touna-Mama, the IMF’s resident representative in Ghana, made this statement on the Citi Breakfast Show.
However, Dr. Touna-Mama raised questions about the success of one of the Akufo-Addo administration’s signature initiatives.
It does not imply that it is entirely efficient and sustainable at this time, therefore that is a different conversation…
The discussion centers more on how to ensure efficiency and make it sustainable, he said.
Dr. Touna-Mama added that it is reasonable to anticipate some concessions to the policy that made secondary education totally free.
We are only getting started, he said, adding that it is wise to approach these matters with an open mind.
Dr. Touna-Mama stated that his team will be on the lookout for leaks and assessing the effects of different expenditures.
Protecting spending on social intervention programs is also one of the IMF’s priorities.