WE THANK GOD! Former prostitutes graduate from vocational training school

Information gathered by Gossips24.com indicates that a total number of 76 former prostitutes in Haiti have  successfully graduated from a vocational training institute after completing a two-year vocational course in areas like cosmetology, sewing and cooking etc.

In attendance was Senate member, Senator Dieudonne Luma Etienne who was there to grace the occasion as well as congratulate the ladies for a job well done, she said;

“the acquisition of this new knowledge is not only a formidable weapon in the fight you will have to lead, on a daily basis, to face with dignity, the challenges of life, but also that for the emancipation of the Haitian woman.”

The former First Lady, Sofia Saint-Remy Martelly, was also present as the Godmother the graduating ladies. She congratulated the ladies and urged them to continue their new found path.

The country is working towards taking off women off the streets and finding them professions. Kudos to them on this laudable initiative.

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