Nigerian actress, Uche Jombo, at an event in Dubai where she was a speaker, tagged the leadership skills practiced on the African continent as a copy and paste type of leadership, but she said seeing African leaders makes her very sad.
She said:
It makes me sad with the kind of leaders we have. This is my individual opinion and I have to say it. I mean, Nigeria is an oil country. We can do so much if we have the right leadership.
“Look at what Dubai is doing. Dubai constantly shows and reminds you of what is possible.”
Mine is security first. Things will change when we get the countries actually safe and the people begin to feel that there is safety. You can claim that there is safety, but if you don’t feel safe, you don’t feel safe. Dubai is what it is because people feel safe going to the country.
“Any nation that is safe attracts foreigners. If I come to your country and I don’t feel safe, then I don’t want to come back. The first thing Africa has to look at is the area of security and safety.