Yaa Jackson courageously blasts Nigel Gaisie and Rev Owusu Bempah over their death prophecies

Yaa Jackson happens to be the only act who has courageously reacted to Rev Owusu Bempah and Nigel Gaisie’s 31st watch night death prophecy which signalled the demise of a music artist in the country this year, 2021.

The teen celeb has additionally slammed these men of God who are noted for dropping only catastrophic prophecies.

According to the “Tear Rubber” crooner, all the doom men of God making useless noise about how someone is going to die or suffer from a misfortune should shut up.

Yaa sent this message across through a caption she attached to a ruanchy bathroom picture.

As submitted by the nudist, it’s past time these men of God stop scaring Ghanaians with all their fake death prophecies.

When will some of the pastors stop putting fear in the individuals 🗣🗣🗣
Always talking about negative stuff (death, accident, evil spirit) and all that.”

She also revealed in the caption that, she believes in the existence of evil and demonic spirits but she equally believes that her faith in Christ is enough to save her from all of that.

Yaa Jackson also counselled people to stop putting all their trust in these man of God because they are humans and can lie at any given time.

Source: Gossips24.com

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