Macho man beats Sugar Daddy who has been sending his girlfriend love messages (video)

One of the world’s problems in this 21st century is this category of men who call themselves sugar daddies – they go about snatching girlfriends of boyfriends with assurance of giving them better lives.

Well, a sugar daddy will be sleeping on a bag of painkillers after he was given his lifetime beatings by a macho man who doubles as the boyfriend of the lady this grown-ass man has been chasing.

Time caught up with this Sugar daddy who has been sending the girlfriend of the macho man love and sweet messages via WhatsApp and SMS as the lady’s boyfriend finally got to find out about the old man who is trying to ruin his relationship.

The macho man who planned a disgraceful scene for the sugar daddy brought up pieces of evidences during his confrontation moment with the Sugar Daddy who, on the other hand, tried to deny having any ill motive behind his sweet messages.

From the video chanced on by, the macho man gave the sugar daddy some dirty slaps as he asked him to delete the lady’s contact from his phone.

After going back and forth, the sugar daddy tried to flee from the scene but his old age and slow pace landed him in much trouble as he pleaded for mercy at the expense of the macho man who continued to beat the hell out of this sugar daddy.

This will definitely be a lesson to all these old folks who are chasing girls who are already in relationships – your clocks are ticking and you’d surely meet your macho man soon!

WATCH AS Macho man beats Sugar Daddy:

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