Father of late Priscilla Opoku Kwarteng, also known as Ebony – Mr Kwarteng – has revealed how Ebony’s birthday and memorial day, often called one year, will be celebrated/observed.
Sadly for Ghanaians, its been one year since the music goddess was taken from the surface of the earth kind courtesy an accident that occurred on the singer’s way to Accra from Sunyani.
Marked February 8, 2018, the Bechem Government Hospital, recorded the death of the musician with eight days more to her 21st birthday.
The two special days will be honoured this year and Mr Opoku Kwarteng has explained how they are going to remember the late Ebony on 8th and 16th February.
According to Mr Kwarteng who spoke to Prince Don Tsegah on Asempa Fm’s “Zoblazo”, Ebony’s birthday is much precious to him than her death day, he explained in detail as follows;
“In my own small way and the way i have liked this girl and will always love her, her date of birth is very precious to me, not her death. I wish i wouldn’t hear her date of death ever in my life.”
In addition, he revealed that as custom demands, Ebony’s one year/memorial day must be observed.
“There is something called tradition and we must follow, so on her memorial day we will pray for her for safe keeping by the Most High God, as custom demands.”
He however didn’t leave out the celebration of Ebony’s birthday which will be on the 16th of February 2019.
According to him, his daughter was good at preparing jollof since it was her favorite food, so they will prepare jollof and dish them out to passers-by, neighbours and all who will join them in remembrance of the late Ebony Reigns.
Hey! Ebony was a gem, lets make her memorial day a grand one and turn her birthday into the best of birthdays. Ebony forever reigns.