Self acclaimed actress and Slay queen, Princess Shyngle has revealed how depressed she feels with Africa and how she is dying to leave.
Well, i must say, Africa is a great place to be, but it’s a no go area for people without moral consciousness like Princess Shyngle.
The Gambian born, Ghanaian based entrepreneur has taken to social media to reveal where she wish she could relocate to.
After receiving a brand new G-Wagon Brabus worth over $123,600 as her Vals day gift, the hour-glass shaped celebrity is saying she wants to relocate to Amsterdam.
The ‘Tapoli-shaped’ Ashawobrity took to Instagram to announce her new plan aimed at emptying her newly found sugar-daddy’s pocket.
“I want to relocate to Amsterdam, I’m tired of Africa” – She posted.
Perhaps she thinks her G-Wagon can drive her to Amsterdam… sigh.